Diverse voices,
all the time,
all in one place.
Bringing works by authors of color to the forefront
Welcome to Read & Found Books, your go-to destination for discovering the latest and greatest books by authors of color. We know that finding books by diverse voices can be a challenge in traditional bookstores, which is why we created a space where these stories are front and center. Our carefully curated selection celebrates the rich, vibrant narratives from authors of color, ensuring that readers can easily find the stories that reflect their experiences, broaden their perspectives, and inspire. By purchasing through our site, you’re helping us reach our goal of opening a physical location where these voices can be shared with even more readers. Dive into our collection and explore the powerful voices shaping the world of literature today.
3 Ways to Support
Our goal is to one day offer an even wider selection of both used and new books in our own physical space! Here's how you can help: